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Prototypes and Drupal: From designing in-browser to implementing custom templates

By Team Srijan Sep 25, 2015
Prototypes and Drupal: From designing in-browser to implementing custom templates
Prototypes and Drupal: From designing in-browser to implementing custom templates

In recent years, the practice of designing websites in HTML prototypes has become increasingly prevalent. And with a good reason – designing "in-browser" has many merits over static mock-ups. 

But how do we ensure a good process? When do we move from design to development? And is it the time to implement the prototype in Drupal? 

Here are some insights from a session on Prototypes and Drupal at DrupalCon Barcelona, which answers these questions.

 In Browser Designing

When is it appropriate for the client to look at your Prototype? 

A different point of view
Talking about Styleguide


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